Can Panic Away Help You ?

If you are suffering from Panic and Anxiety attacks will Panic Away help you?

I sat there with my credit card in hand sweating hard and hart thumping in my chest with exactly that fear - would Panic Away help nothing else had so far..

Panic Away is not like any other eBook or online self help course you have purchased before. The techniques it teaches are simple and effective; with practice can help you manage this debilitating condition.

They have helped me and countless others to overcome their anxiety and panic.
For the impatient out there who do not want to read this then YES it has done for me what no other techniques have done; stopped my Anxiety and Panic attacks completely 100%.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Panic Attack Or Heart Attack Can You Tell?

Panic Attack Or Heart Attack Can You Tell?
By Lee Coppin

When I had my first panic attack I was convinced that I was dying of a heart attack. After speaking to many suffers I found that this was a common misconception for people suffering panic attacks.

In this short article we will look at the physical symptoms of a panic attack so that you can become familiar with the physical effect a Panic attack will have on your body. There is a saying that there is nothing to fear but fear its self. By understanding the physical symptoms you will be able to tackle the fear of a panic attack much better.

So what are the physical symptoms? Here are 19 of the most commonly felt physical symptoms of a panic attack.

A sensation of adrenaline going through your entire body


Shortness of breath (dyspnea)

Racing or pounding heartbeat or palpitations

Chest pain

Dizziness or vertigo


Nausea / stomach pains


Choking or smothering sensations

Uncontrollable itching

Tingling or numbness in the hands, face, feet or mouth (paresthesia)

Hot/cold flashes

Trembling or shaking

Feeling of claustrophobia


Feeling of physical weakness or limpness of the body

Uncontrollable crying

Grinding teeth or tensing other muscles repeatedly or for prolonged periods of time
It is easy to see why when people suffer a panic attack, especially for the first time, they believe it is something much more terminal. If you are experiencing the physical symptoms such as shortness of breath (dyspnea), racing or pounding heartbeat palpitations, dizziness or vertigo, and / or chest pain it could be easy to assume it's a heart attack. Unfortunately this often makes the attacks much worse.

Why panic attacks are fighting they are, from my experience, not life threatening and can be treated ether through drug therapies of holistic methods. I have found success with drug free holistic methods to manage my panic attacks so I am now attack free.

Finally I am not a Dr or an expert but a fellow suffer and speak from my own experiences. If you believe you are suffering form []panic or anxiety related illness then I would strongly suggest you seek the advice of your Doctor.

The author Lee wants to pass on his experience and success at beating his panic attacks. You can see more on his Blog and Squidoo Page

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