Can Panic Away Help You ?

If you are suffering from Panic and Anxiety attacks will Panic Away help you?

I sat there with my credit card in hand sweating hard and hart thumping in my chest with exactly that fear - would Panic Away help nothing else had so far..

Panic Away is not like any other eBook or online self help course you have purchased before. The techniques it teaches are simple and effective; with practice can help you manage this debilitating condition.

They have helped me and countless others to overcome their anxiety and panic.
For the impatient out there who do not want to read this then YES it has done for me what no other techniques have done; stopped my Anxiety and Panic attacks completely 100%.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Panic Attack Or Heart Attack Can You Tell?

Panic Attack Or Heart Attack Can You Tell?
By Lee Coppin

When I had my first panic attack I was convinced that I was dying of a heart attack. After speaking to many suffers I found that this was a common misconception for people suffering panic attacks.

In this short article we will look at the physical symptoms of a panic attack so that you can become familiar with the physical effect a Panic attack will have on your body. There is a saying that there is nothing to fear but fear its self. By understanding the physical symptoms you will be able to tackle the fear of a panic attack much better.

So what are the physical symptoms? Here are 19 of the most commonly felt physical symptoms of a panic attack.

A sensation of adrenaline going through your entire body


Shortness of breath (dyspnea)

Racing or pounding heartbeat or palpitations

Chest pain

Dizziness or vertigo


Nausea / stomach pains


Choking or smothering sensations

Uncontrollable itching

Tingling or numbness in the hands, face, feet or mouth (paresthesia)

Hot/cold flashes

Trembling or shaking

Feeling of claustrophobia


Feeling of physical weakness or limpness of the body

Uncontrollable crying

Grinding teeth or tensing other muscles repeatedly or for prolonged periods of time
It is easy to see why when people suffer a panic attack, especially for the first time, they believe it is something much more terminal. If you are experiencing the physical symptoms such as shortness of breath (dyspnea), racing or pounding heartbeat palpitations, dizziness or vertigo, and / or chest pain it could be easy to assume it's a heart attack. Unfortunately this often makes the attacks much worse.

Why panic attacks are fighting they are, from my experience, not life threatening and can be treated ether through drug therapies of holistic methods. I have found success with drug free holistic methods to manage my panic attacks so I am now attack free.

Finally I am not a Dr or an expert but a fellow suffer and speak from my own experiences. If you believe you are suffering form []panic or anxiety related illness then I would strongly suggest you seek the advice of your Doctor.

The author Lee wants to pass on his experience and success at beating his panic attacks. You can see more on his Blog and Squidoo Page

Article Source:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Quiz helps dispel myths about panic disorders

Published on the

Many people get nervous or feel anxious during unfamiliar situations or novel experiences. Some people, however, are struck with such irrational fears during daily life that their panic becomes debilitating. This true or false quiz helps you test your knowledge about the symptoms, causes and treatments of these common disorders.

1. Most experts agree that about 10 percent of people suffer from panic disorder .

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

2. Agoraphobia, or an intense fear of public places, is a disorder that can commonly occur along with panic attacks.

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

3. Oftentimes, a panic attack can be triggered by a person's physical symptoms, such as heartburn or a headache.

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

4. Medication is considered the best way to treat panic disorders.

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

5. Physical symptoms of panic disorder can include nausea and vomiting, chills or sweats, feeling of choking or shortness of breath, fainting, trembling and numbness or tingling sensations.

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

6. There is only one type of anxiety disorder, and it has similar symptoms in all people.


7. People with severe social phobia may fear being judged or watched by others so much that any interaction with another person can cause them to experience debilitating broad physical and psychological symptoms.

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

8. Anxiety disorders can be present from an early age or can begin suddenly. They are most prone to appear during times of high stress.

TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )


1. FALSE. Most studies have found that 1 percent to 2 percent of people suffer from panic disorders. The Public Health Agency of Canada estimates that about 0.7 percent of Canadians between ages 15 and 64 suffer from panic. While many people have experienced panic attacks in their lives, panic disorders leave people in constant fear that an attack will strike again at any moment.

2. TRUE. Agoraphobia stems from a fear of being unable to escape to a safe location during a panic attack. Agoraphobics tend to try to avoid the situations that they think may have initiated the panic attack, and thereby close themselves off to new or unusual experiences as well as public locations.

3. TRUE. It is hard for those suffering from panic disorders to recognize the physical triggers that can set off attacks. Instead they associate the attack with the activity they were doing or the location where they were when the attack struck. This can lead them to avoid these circumstances.

4. FALSE. Cognitive behavioral therapy is thought by most in the field to be the most effective treatment for panic disorders. This method encourages those suffering from panic attacks to expose themselves to different experiences in a safe environment. Patients are taught to control their thoughts and actions during panic attacks. SSRI medications can be helpful in certain circumstances, but taking a pill that has short-term anti-anxiety effects every time a panic attack strikes can be counterproductive.

5. TRUE. All of these symptoms can be felt during panic attacks, either alone or in combinations. The physical symptoms go along with the emotional and mental symptoms usually associated with feelings of panic, such as nervousness and fear.

6. FALSE. There are five major types of anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive- compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia. All five of these exhibit slightly different symptoms, and are brought about in different settings.

7. TRUE. Because this disorder can strike anytime a person is in a social setting, it can severely interfere with work, school and other necessary daily activities. This can lead to more extreme forms of the disorder, including agoraphobia.

8. TRUE. Anxiety disorder can be chronic. A family history of mental distress or trouble dealing with anxiety can be signs that you may have an anxiety disorder. Additionally, stress can bring out physical and emotional symptoms usually associated with panic attacks.

If you were able to answer six of the eight questions correctly, you're more informed than most on this subject.

Write to Dr. Joyce Brothers via King Features, 888 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10019.

Panic Away is a proven drug free method of managing your panic attacts. I know I use it.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

UMain Research on Women who suffer panic attacks

The University if Maine is investigating the stress response in women who suffer panic attacks.

The research team is looking for women to take part in the study. They are looking for women that suffer panic attacks and the physical symptoms of attacks who are postmenopausal and have a normal menstrual cycle.

Participants will visit Sigmon’s lab twice . The first time, they will be asked questions about their symptoms, complete questionnaires, and give several saliva samples because the researchers are interested in the saliva-borne stress hormone cortisol. This session will take about two hours. Research participants will then monitor their daily symptoms for 30 days and return for a second lab visit, during which they will be asked to complete two brief tasks and give several saliva samples. This part will take about 90 minutes. For each part of the study, participants will be paid and can earn up to $75 for the entire study.
Those who are interested in participating are asked to call Sigmon at 581-2034 and leave a message or email her at
For more on Panic Away By Jo Barry See my Squdoo page

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What does Joe say In Panic Away

Panic Away by Jo Barry is a self help guide for suffers of Panic and anxiety attacks. I have used Panic Away system to great effect in my personal life and want others to benefit. This review of Panic Away and over view of its content is designed to do this.

I like many others have found the Panic Away system and the One Mover Technique life changing but it is important that fellow suffers make up their own minds based on clear and honest information.

Click here for the full article on Joe Barrys Panic Away

Monday, March 17, 2008

Madge and panic attacks

I am not sure if this is reassuring but in the past week it has been reported that even the mighty Madge (Madonna) suffers from Panic and Anxiety attacks.

She is portrayed as a strong woman and to us Jo public looks to have it all; shows that we are all human after all.

See is reported to say "I have moments where I feel incredibly invincible and know that I have the audience in my hand - I know that everything is absolutely perfect," the Sun quoted her as saying. "And then I have panic attacks where I feel like everyone is breathing my air and I cannot live up to everybody's expectations and I might just die on stage,"

Also in here interview with magazine Dazed & Confused "I normally try to turn my back to the audience, take a deep breath and remind myself that it's all temporary. I'm not worried about f***ing up - I really have a panic attack that everyone else is breathing my air. It's hard to describe,"

And goes on to say "When you have panic attacks you cannot rationalise them. Obviously there's enough oxygen for me but it never happens outdoors, it's normally in indoor sports arenas that feel very close when suddenly I feel claustrophobic," she explained. "It's not a fear of performing,"

See guys and girls you are clearly not alone.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Panic Attacks Symptoms

Here are just some of the symptoms of panic attacks.

Palpitations, pounding heart, or fast heart rate


Trembling and shaking

Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering

Feelings of choking

Chest pain or discomfort

Nausea or abdominal distress

Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint

Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself)

Fear of losing control or going crazy

Fear of dying

Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)

Chills or hot flashes

If these are familer to you you may want to tkae a look at Panic Away for help in stopping 100% of your painc attacks .. It worked for me !! See my Squidoo page

Panic Attacks Causes

This is a tough question as the cause of Panic Attacks are many.

There is evidence that you can inherit the tendency for panic attacks though this is only one school of thought.

Other evidence points to it being a learnt response to certain situations or triggers. It has been shown that otherwise healthy individuals can have attacks given the right conditions.

It’s fair to say that the caused of this condition are still being investigated.

For me it was conflict that set me off and I build up over a few days after the event. Lack of sleep and constant rerunning of the events. Then at the slightest bit of pressure I would be off in to an attack.

From my own experience the triggers can be very personal to each sufferer.

For help or more information see Panic Away or my Squidoo page

Can Panic Away Help YOU ?

If you are suffering from Panic and Anxiety attacks will Panic Away help you?

I sat there with my credit card in hand sweating hard and hart thumping in my chest with exactly that fear – would Panic Away help … nothing else had so far..

Panic Away is not like any other eBook or online self help course you have purchased before. The techniques it teaches are simple and effective; with practice can help you manage this debilitating condition.

They have helped me and countless others to overcome their anxiety and panic.

For the impatient out there who do not want to read this then YES it has done for me what no other techniques have done; stopped my Anxiety and Panic attacks completely 100%.

To find out more visit Panic Away or my Squdoo page

What Are Panic Attacks..

Panic Attacks, though physically harmless, are very freighting episodes. They are random and can be caused by a number of triggers or events. The quickly build to a peak and then dissipate.

When in the midst of a panic attack you can feel like you are dying, having a hart attack, or even suffocating. This is at the time a very fighting feeling.

You can feel like you are going crazy and all you want to do is get away from the situation or trigger of the panic attack

In some case your breathing becomes very rapid and you feel like your hart is about burst out of your chest. All these unusual feeling and physical symptoms can make you panic even more.

As it says on the front of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy “Don’t Panic” over 5% of the population suffer at least once in there lives from panic attacks.

The American Psychiatric Association's official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV) defines a panic attack as a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which 4 or more of the symptoms occur abruptly and peak within 10 minutes.

For more info see my Squidoo page