Can Panic Away Help You ?

If you are suffering from Panic and Anxiety attacks will Panic Away help you?

I sat there with my credit card in hand sweating hard and hart thumping in my chest with exactly that fear - would Panic Away help nothing else had so far..

Panic Away is not like any other eBook or online self help course you have purchased before. The techniques it teaches are simple and effective; with practice can help you manage this debilitating condition.

They have helped me and countless others to overcome their anxiety and panic.
For the impatient out there who do not want to read this then YES it has done for me what no other techniques have done; stopped my Anxiety and Panic attacks completely 100%.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What Are Panic Attacks..

Panic Attacks, though physically harmless, are very freighting episodes. They are random and can be caused by a number of triggers or events. The quickly build to a peak and then dissipate.

When in the midst of a panic attack you can feel like you are dying, having a hart attack, or even suffocating. This is at the time a very fighting feeling.

You can feel like you are going crazy and all you want to do is get away from the situation or trigger of the panic attack

In some case your breathing becomes very rapid and you feel like your hart is about burst out of your chest. All these unusual feeling and physical symptoms can make you panic even more.

As it says on the front of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy “Don’t Panic” over 5% of the population suffer at least once in there lives from panic attacks.

The American Psychiatric Association's official Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV (DSM-IV) defines a panic attack as a discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which 4 or more of the symptoms occur abruptly and peak within 10 minutes.

For more info see my Squidoo page

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